JSC English 1st Paper Suggestion 2024 with Question Paper

jsc english 1st Paper suggestion, question paper, model question, mcq question, question pattern, syllabus for dhaka board, all boards

Time to stop roaming around because we have published the JSC English 1st Paper Suggestion 2024 with Question Paper. NCTB suggested a syllabus for JSC (Junior School Certificate) students of all the boards of Bangladesh. We are going to discuss the English 1st paper subject because English is a hard subject you all know. Some students think that passing in English means passing the whole exam. As a candidate of JSC 2024, you need the English 1st paper short suggestion and some killer model questions. It is the Final Suggestion what we are going to publish in the below links. English 1st paper question is divided into 2 parts. Total mark is 100 for the JSC English 1st Paper. They are 50 marks in Reading and the rest 50 marks in writing. The mark distribution helps a student to take a good preparation of the examination. Also, you can check JSC English 2nd paper suggestion. If you need all subjects' suggestions, please follow the link.

JSC Suggestion - all subjects - all groups - all boards

JSC English 1st Paper Question 2024

03. jsc english 1st paper model question - 03

02. jsc english 1st paper model question - 02

01. jsc english 1st paper model question - 01

JSC English 1st Paper Suggestion 2024

03. jsc english 1st paper suggestion - 03

02. jsc english 1st paper suggestion - 02

01. jsc english 1st paper suggestion - 01

jsc question

JSC Exam All Question

01. JSC Exam Question 2019 (All Subject)

02. JSC Exam Question 2018 (All Subject)

JSC English 1st Paper Question Pattern

NCTB has provided JSC English 1st paper syllabus. Please follow the given JSC question format in the below image to understand it properly.
The part "Reading" contains 7 questions. The question no 1 and 2 will be set from Seen Passage - 1.
The question no (1); choose the correct answer bears 7 marks
The question no (2); each of the five questions bears 2 marks; total (5×2=10 marks)
The question no (3); fill in the blanks will be set from seen comprehension bearing 5 marks
The question no (4); the information transferring bearing 5 marks
The question no (5); summarizing bearing 10 marks will be set from Unseen Passage - 2
The question no (6); matching - completing five sentences bears 5 marks
The question no (7); rearranging bears 8 marks

The Part - Writing 
Question no (08); paragraph writing by answering the questions bears 10 marks
Question no (09); completing the story
Question no (10); describing graphs/ charts,
Question no (11); writing informal letters/ email, writing short dialogue included in writing part –each of the questions bears 10 marks. This is the question pattern.

jsc english 1st Paper suggestion, question paper, model question, mcq question, question pattern, syllabus for dhaka board, all boards

JSC Exam English Question 2019

Question 01

jsc question, jsc suggestion, question paper, syllabus for dhaka board, question hack

Question 02

jsc question, jsc suggestion, question paper, syllabus for dhaka board, question hack

Question 03

jsc question, jsc suggestion, question paper, syllabus for dhaka board, question hack

Question 04

jsc question, jsc suggestion, question paper, syllabus for dhaka board, question hack

JSC English 1st Paper Model Question 2024

jsc english 1st Paper suggestion, question paper, model question, mcq question, question pattern, syllabus for dhaka board, all boards

JSC 2024 English 1st Paper Suggestion

jsc english 1st Paper suggestion, question paper, model question, mcq question, question pattern, syllabus for dhaka board, all boards

Time Schedule of Exam Hall

You have to divide the time when tacking JSC preparation. If you do not divide your time properly, you may miss your common question to write in the exam hall. So please be careful about this in JSC exam preparation to get GPA 5. Please try to finish your writing 15 minutes before the exam ends. And within that 15 minutes, please revise your papers.

JSC English 1st Paper Question 2024

jsc english 1st Paper suggestion, question paper, model question, mcq question, question pattern, syllabus for dhaka board, all boards

JSC English First Paper Suggestion for All Boards 

The boards of public examination in Bangladesh are Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi, Jessore, Barisal, Sylhet, Comilla and Dinajpur. Different boards suggest similar syllabus design but they publish different question papers to maintain JSC examination properly and systematically. Thus, they publish the result in time easily. Besides, Bangladesh Madrasa Education Board and Technical Board follow their own syllabus. Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board emphasizes the learning of the rules of The Holly Quran and Hadith. In accordance with them, they design their own question papers.

jsc english 1st Paper suggestion, question paper, model question, mcq question, question pattern, syllabus for dhaka board, all boards

JSC English First Paper Suggestion for Dhaka Board

Dhaka Board follows the guidelines of NCTB to prepare questions for the JSC students. The above-mentioned mark distribution is followed by Dhaka Board. The students should study having preparation following the syllabus of Dhaka Board.

jsc english 1st Paper suggestion, question paper, model question, mcq question, question pattern, syllabus for dhaka board, all boards

Seen Passage 1 and 2 For The Questions No- 1), 2) & 3)

The following Units and Lessons should be practiced for the questions No 1,2 and 3. Unit-2, L-1    U-5, L-2    U-8,L-1. U-3, L-2    U-5, L-3 , U-8,L-3 U-3, L-3,U-6,L- 1, U-12, L- 1, U-3, L-4, U-7,L-1, U-3, L-5, U-7, L-6  U-3, L-6

jsc english 1st Paper suggestion, question paper, model question, mcq question, question pattern, syllabus for dhaka board, all boards


1. Queen Victoria C.B.-16       6. Taimur             11. Kazi Nazrul Islam

2. A thirsty crow … R.B.16    7. Hatem Tai        12. Sheikh Saadi

3. Androcles..R.B.-15             8. Alexander         13. Astrologer 

4. Zainul Abedin R.B.15        9. Socrates            14. A Lion and a mouse

5. Alfred Nobel                     10. Robert Bruce    15. Hazrat Abdul QuaderZilani.

jsc english 1st Paper suggestion, question paper, model question, mcq question, question pattern, syllabus for dhaka board, all boards


1. Environment Pollution  08. Price Hike

2. Traffic Jam                    09.Renewable Energy

3. Load-shedding              10. A Farmer

4. A Book Fair                  11. A rickshaw- Puller

5. Tree Plantation             12. A Winter Morning

6. Climate Change           13. A Rainy Day

7. Our School Library     14. Pastime

jsc english 1st Paper suggestion, question paper, model question, mcq question, question pattern, syllabus for dhaka board, all boards

9. Completing a Story

1. Robert Bruce

2. Hazrat Abdul QuaderZilani.

3. Bayazid's love for his mother

4. Unity is Strength

5. Sheikh Saadi

6. An Honest woodcutter and the Beautiful

7. A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

8. Slow and steady wins

9. A Greedy farmer

10. A sly Fox and a Foolish Crow

11. Slow and Steady Wins the Race

10. Describing Graphs / Chart

a) A graph shows the number of Telephone and mobile phone users in Bangladesh. Highlight and summarize the information given in the graph.

b) The pie chart shows the percentages of students of a secondary school in different subjects. Highlight and summarize the information given in the graph.

c) The graph shows the percentage of the number of Internet users in towns and villages from 2010 to 2014. Highlight and summarize the information given in the graph.

11. Writing informal letters

Write a letter to your friend -

1) Congratulate him/ her on his/her success in the examination.

2) Advise him to give up smoking.

3) describe your country / Bangladesh and her people.

4) About picnic.

5) Thank him for the hospitality.

6) Describe the food and food habits in Bangladesh.

7) What you intend to do after the JSC Examination /In the vacation.

8) Thank him for the gift/ present.

9) Describe the importance of reading newspaper.

10) Describing prize giving ceremony.

Question No 11 (or)

Write an e-mail inviting your friend –

01. To join your birthday party/marriage ceremony.

02. Request one to send necessary information through e-mail.

03. Send an e-mail to learn more information about debate competition.

04. Congratulating your friend on his brilliant success.

05.  To request returning book.

06. E-mail to the railway clerk asking to book ticketing.

12. Writing short dialogues

Write a dialogue between you and your friend about

01. The preparation for the coming HSC Examination.

02. The importance of reading newspaper.

03. The importance of Physical Exercise.

04. How to eradicate illiteracy problem.

05. Merits and demerits of using mobile phone/facebook.

06. The bad effects of copying in the exam.

07. Future plan of life.

08. Between Patient and doctor.

09. How to improve skill in English.

10. Bad effects of smoking.

JSC English First Paper Suggestion for Chittagong Board

JSC suggestion for Chittagong board is very important for the students under Chittagong board. You students can follow your previous board questions. In the question pattern where you will found the new syllabus, you have to keep a sharp eye there. In order to make a good result, please keep studying the test papers and board questions. Every year the question may be changed, but you have to make a good result and keep studying. Please follow the above suggestions for your coming JSC suggestion.

JSC English First Paper Suggestion for Comilla Board

JSC suggestion for Comilla board is very important for the students under Comilla board. You students can follow your previous board questions. In the question pattern where you will found a new syllabus, you have to keep a sharp eye there. I request you to pick the suggestions from this site and download them and keep following the above rules.

JSC English First Paper Suggestion for Rajshahi Board

JSC suggestion for Rajshahi board is very important for the students under Rajshahi board. You students can follow your previous board questions. In the question pattern where you will found a new syllabus, you have to keep a sharp eye there. I request you to pick the suggestions from this site and download them and keep following the above rules. Rajshahi board is the second largest education board in Bangladesh. So you have to make a good result.

JSC English First Paper Suggestion for Madrasah Board

JSC suggestion for Madrasah board is very important for the students under Madrasah board. You students can follow your previous board questions. In the question pattern where you will found a new syllabus, you have to keep a sharp eye there. Every year students all over the Bangladesh participate in JSC exam from Madrasah board. They also do a good result. The suggestions that I have mentioned above are also important for the madrasah board. So you all the students also follow the above suggestion.

JSC English First Paper Suggestion for Technical Board

JSC suggestion for the technical board is very important for the students under the technical board. You students can follow your previous board questions. In the question pattern where you will found a new syllabus, you have to keep a sharp eye there. Every year students all over the Bangladesh participate in JSC exam from the technical board. They also do a good result. The suggestions that I have mentioned above are also important for the technical board. So you all the students also follow the above suggestion.

JSC English 1st Paper Question Out by Hacking

JSC question out is now going to becoming a buzz in the country. All the students including good students like to have JSC question out. Among them, English question out is the most demanded subject. Students enter in to online and search for the suggestions and question out by the hack. Students are willing to pay a good amount for the question hacking. I like to request all the students, never search for question out rather do a proper study and make a good result. The time you spend for question out, you should spend that time for study. I can guarantee you that you will be able to cut a good figure in the JSC examination.

JSC English 1st paper question 2024

All the students like to know that how the question will be in the JSC examination. For this, I like to request you to follow JSC model question English 1st paper. You will find much English 1st paper model question in the web and test papers. Please continue following them and understand the question properly. I hope your success in the coming JSC 2024 exam.

jsc english 1st Paper suggestion, question paper, model question, mcq question, question pattern, syllabus for dhaka board, all boards

JSC English 1st Paper Model Question

Studying the model question is a good practice before the exam. But you have to know which model question you have to study and which one you have to keep away. Most of the students do not know this and follow an incorrect routine. I am going to mention some good JSC English 1st paper model questions for the students of all boards. Please download them and study them. Hope you will get an A+ result in the examination.

JSC English 1st Paper Book

The main text book is the good source of knowledge and good result. Many students search for English 1st paper pdf in the online. But they do not like to follow the main printed text before them. By this problem, they do not make a proper result in the exam. So please stop searching JSC English 1st paper online and read your printed version. Also, many students and their parents like to download the whole book from the internet. But our government does not give those facilities for English 1st paper text book download. So do not waste your time and keep studying the main text book.
jsc english 1st Paper suggestion, question paper, model question, mcq question, question pattern, syllabus for dhaka board, all boards

Thank you for visiting our website and best of luck for your coming JSC examination.

jsc english 1st Paper suggestion, question paper, model question, mcq question, question pattern, syllabus for dhaka board, all boards

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